あれっopenbsd5.8様もVMware workstation 6でpanicする

ちなみに5.2は動いてる実績あり。まえupdate試してあきらめたんだっけかなぁ とりあえず石狩DC経由でイメージ落として確認

56ng fatal protection fault (4) in supervisor mode
55ng fatal protection fault (4) in supervisor mode
54ng fatal protection fault (4) in supervisor mode
53ng fatal protection fault (4) in supervisor mode

Re: OpenBSD 5.4 as guest under VMWare Server 2 install fails

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 6:49 PM, Nick H. beo.im> wrote:
> Further to my earlier very basic erro description, I was able to colelct
> some more debug messages from when the Kernel panic occurs.
> Could you give me some pointers of how to possibly fix this or how to
> file a bug report. Thanks.
> Here is the "trace" output:
> cpu_init(d0b73880,0,30,d0a466a0,0) at cpu_init+0x51

That corresponds to the lcr4() in this:
if (ci->ci_feature_sefflags & SEFF0EBX_SMEP)
lcr4(rcr4() | CR4_SMEP);

and indeed, that code was added in 5.3, support for the SMEP CPU
extension. It appears that that ancient version of vmware had that
bit set (incorrectly) in its cpuid emulation.

Last I checked, vmware 2 had reached its end-of-support period *YEARS*
ago. Wasting time on a broken and no longer supported emulator would
be just that: a waste of time. Good luck.

Philip guenther


linux のほうは CONFIG_X86_SMAP まわりを見ていけばいいか。
そもそもinsatll cdの意味を果たしていない...

おい FreeBSD10.2 はちゃんと動くぞwww

ちなみにVirtual BoxでFreeBSD 10.2 をroot zfs するとインストールこけるので注意
まぁVMware6もインストールzfsカーネルモジュールがKernel Panicしたけどな。