
HDD の解析もいれた が適当

# -_-* perl *-_-
use strict;
use utf8;
use Data::Dumper;

$| = 1;

my @lines = ();
my @datas = ();

	chomp; s/^ +//; s/ +$//;
	next if( /^$/ );
	push @lines, $_;

my %bak = ();

	$_ = shift @lines;

	if( /HDBENCH Ver 3/ )
		my @bak;
		for( 0 .. 50 )
			push @bak , @lines[$_];
		my %topic;
		&HDBENCH3406(\@bak, \%topic);
		push @datas,\%topic;
	print STDERR "READ UNFORMAT DATA line:$#lines / Entry:$#datas  \r";
print STDERR "\n";
# print Dumper [\@datas];

#===  read old data .  ====

## read old data .
open my $rfh, '<', "mycpu.txt";
my $i = 0;
my @temp = ();
	chomp; s/^ +//; s/ +$//;
#	next if( /^$/ );
	push @temp, $_;
	my %topic;
	$topic{Processor} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Integer} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Float} = shift @temp;

	push @datas,\%topic;
	print STDERR "READ CPU DATA remin:$#temp / Entrys:$i/$#datas  \r";
close $rfh;
print STDERR "\n";

open my $rfh, '<', "myvideo.txt";
my $i = 0;
my @temp = ();
	chomp; s/^ +//; s/ +$//;
#	next if( /^$/ );
	push @temp, $_;
	my %topic;
	$topic{VideoCard} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Processor} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Rectangle} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Text} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Ellipse} = shift @temp;
	$topic{BitBlt} = shift @temp;

	push @datas,\%topic;
	print STDERR "READ VIDEO DATA remin:$#temp / Entrys:$i/$#datas  \r";
close $rfh;
print STDERR "\n";

open my $rfh, '<', "myhdd.txt";
my $i = 0;
my @temp = ();
	chomp; s/^ +//; s/ +$//;
#	next if( /^$/ );
	push @temp, $_;
	my %topic;
	$topic{HDD} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Controller} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Read} = shift @temp;
	$topic{Write} = shift @temp;
	$topic{RRead} = shift @temp;
	$topic{RWrite} = shift @temp;

	push @datas,\%topic;
	print STDERR "READ HDD DATA remin:$#temp / Entrys:$i/$#datas  \r";
close $rfh;
print STDERR "\n";


#===  MYCPU.TXT  ====

open my $wfh, '>', "mycpu.txt";
my $i = 0;
my %bak = ();
foreach( sort {
     $$b{Integer} + $$b{Float}
 <=> $$a{Integer} + $$a{Float} } @datas )
	next unless( $$_{Processor} );
	next unless( $$_{Integer} );
	next unless( $$_{Float} );
	next unless( $$_{Integer} =~ /\d+/ );
	next unless( $$_{Float} =~ /\d+/ );
	next if ( $$_{Processor} eq $bak{Processor} 
	     and  $$_{Integer}   == $bak{Integer} 
	     and  $$_{Float}     == $bak{Float}   );
	print $wfh "$$_{Processor}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Integer}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Float}\n";
	print STDERR "WRITE CPU DATA Entry:$i / Entrys:$#datas  \r";

	%bak = %$_;

close $wfh;
print STDERR "\n";


#=== MYVIDEO.TXT ====

open my $wfh, '>', "myvideo.txt";
my $i = 0 ;
my %bak = ();
foreach( sort { 
     $$b{Rectangle} + $$b{Text} + $$b{Ellipse} + $$b{BitBlt}
 <=> $$a{Rectangle} + $$a{Text} + $$a{Ellipse} + $$a{BitBlt} } @datas )
	next unless( $$_{VideoCard} );
	next unless( $$_{Rectangle} );
	next unless( $$_{Text} );
	next unless( $$_{Ellipse} );
	next unless( $$_{BitBlt} );
	next unless( $$_{Rectangle} =~ /\d+/ );
	next unless( $$_{Text} =~ /\d+/ );
	next unless( $$_{Ellipse} =~ /\d+/ );
	next unless( $$_{BitBlt} =~ /\d+/ );
	next if ( $$_{VideoCard} eq $bak{VideoCard} 
	  #   and  $$_{Processor} eq $bak{Processor} 
	     and  $$_{Rectangle} == $bak{Rectangle} 
	     and  $$_{Text}      == $bak{Text}      
	     and  $$_{Ellipse}   == $bak{Ellipse}   
	     and  $$_{BitBlt}    == $bak{BitBlt}    );

	print $wfh "$$_{VideoCard}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Processor}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Rectangle}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Text}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Ellipse}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{BitBlt}\n";

	print STDERR "WRITE VIDEO DATA Entry:$i / Entrys:$#datas  \r";

	%bak = %$_;
close wfh;
print STDERR "\n";


#=== MYHDD.TXT ====

open my $wfh, '>', "myhdd.txt";
my $i = 0 ;
my %bak = ();
foreach( sort { 
     $$b{Read} + $$b{Write} + $$b{RRead} + $$b{RWrite}
 <=> $$a{Read} + $$a{Write} + $$a{RRead} + $$a{RWrite} } @datas )
#	print "$$_{HDD}\n";
#	print "$$_{Controller}\n";
	next unless( $$_{HDD} );
	next unless( $$_{Read}   );
	next unless( $$_{Write}  );
#	next unless( $$_{RRead}  );
#	next unless( $$_{RWrite} );
#	print "$$_{Read}\n";
#	print "$$_{Write}\n";
#	print "$$_{RRead}\n";
#	print "$$_{RWrite}\n";
	next unless( $$_{Read}    =~ /\d+/ );
	next unless( $$_{Write}   =~ /\d+/ );
	next unless( $$_{RRead}   =~ /\d+/ );
	next unless( $$_{RWrite}  =~ /\d+/ );

	next if ( $$_{HDD} eq $bak{HDD} 
	     and  $$_{Controller} eq $bak{Controller} 
	     and  $$_{Read}      == $bak{Read} 
	     and  $$_{Write}     == $bak{Write}      
	     and  $$_{RRead}     == $bak{RRead}   
	     and  $$_{RWrite}    == $bak{RWrite}    );

	print $wfh "$$_{HDD}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Controller}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Read}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{Write}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{RRead}\n";
	print $wfh "$$_{RWrite}\n";

	print STDERR "WRITE HDD DATA Entry:$i / Entrys:$#datas  \r";

	%bak = %$_;
close wfh;
print STDERR "\n";



sub HDBENCH3406
	my $read = shift;
	my $data = shift;

	my $key1_en = 0;
	my $hdd_en = 0;
	my @topic = ( 'M/B\sName', 'Processor', 'VideoCard', 'Resolution', 'Memory', 'OS', 'Date' );
	my @key1 = qw/ ALL  Integer   Float  MemoryR MemoryW MemoryRW  DirectDraw /;
	my @key2 = qw/ Rectangle   Text Ellipse  BitBlt    Read   Write   RRead  RWrite  Drive /;

		my $key0_en = 0;
		$_ = shift @$read;
		next if( /^$/ );
		foreach my $topic( @topic )
	#	print "$topic -- $_\n" unless ( m#^$topic\s*#x );
	#	print "$topic ++ $_\n" if ( m#^$topic\s*#x );
		#	print "$topic : $'\n" 
			if ( m#^$topic#x )
	#			warn "$topic : $$data{$topic} to $'\n" if( $$data{$topic} and $$data{$topic} ne $' );
				$$data{$topic} = $';
				$$data{$topic} =~ s/^\s+//;
		next unless( $key0_en == 0 );
		my @col = split(/\s+/, $_);
		my @diff = grep { !{map{$_,1}@key1 }-> {$_}}@col;
		unless( @diff )
			val($read, \@key1, $data);
			$key1_en = 1;

#		print "$key0_en $_\n";
		my @diff = grep { !{map{$_,1}@key2 }-> {$_}}@col;
		unless( @diff )
			val($read, \@key2, $data);
		# hdd? てけとー
		my $content_line = join( ' ' , @col );
		if( $key1_en != 1 ) {
			if( $content_line =~ /(Controller|ATA|IDE)/ ) {
				$$data{Controller} = $content_line;
	#			print "$$data{Controller} Controller\n";
			} elsif( $content_line !~ /(DVD|CD)/ ) {
				$$data{HDD} = $content_line;

sub val
	my $read = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	my $topic = shift;
	$_ = shift @$read;
	chomp; s/^ +//; s/ +$//;
	my @col = split(/\s+/, $_);
	my $i = 0;
	foreach( @col )
	#	print $$key[$i], "#" , $_, "\n";
		$$topic{$$key[$i]} = $_;