OpenBSD 44 いつのまにやらでてた。

でいつのまにやら、OpenCVS が使えるようになってますので、
opencvs で更新〜
もう/usr/bin/cvs にしても良い気がする。

# /usr/bin/cvs -v

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.1p1 (client/server)

Copyright (c) 1989-2001 Brian Berliner, david d `zoo' zuhn,
Jeff Polk, and other authors

CVS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
a copy of which can be found with the CVS distribution kit.

Specify the --help option for further information about CVS

# /usr/bin/opencvs -v
OpenCVS version 1.0 + ftp
or + cd0a


login: root

# cd /usr; opencvs -qd checkout -P -rOPENBSD_4_4 src
U src/Makefile
U src/Makefile.cross
U src/bin/Makefile
U src/bin/
U src/bin/cat/Makefile
U src/bin/cat/cat.1
U src/bin/cat/cat.c


U src/usr.sbin/ypset/ypset.c
U src/usr.sbin/zdump/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/zic/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ztsscale/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ztsscale/message.xbm
U src/usr.sbin/ztsscale/ztsscale.8
U src/usr.sbin/ztsscale/ztsscale.c

# cd /usr; opencvs -qd checkout -P -rOPENBSD_4_4 ports
U ports/.cvsignore
U ports/INDEX
U ports/Makefile
U ports/README
U ports/archivers/Makefile
U ports/archivers/arc/Makefile
U ports/archivers/arc/distinfo
U ports/archivers/arc/patches/patch-arc_c
U ports/archivers/arc/patches/patch-arc_h
U ports/archivers/arc/patches/patch-arcadd_c
U ports/archivers/arc/patches/patch-arccvt_c
U ports/archivers/arc/patches/patch-arcdata_c
U ports/archivers/arc/patches/patch-arcdos_c


U ports/x11/xzoom/pkg/DESCR
U ports/x11/xzoom/pkg/PLIST
U ports/x11/yakuake/Makefile
U ports/x11/yakuake/distinfo
U ports/x11/yakuake/pkg/DESCR
U ports/x11/yakuake/pkg/PLIST
U ports/x11/yeahlaunch/Makefile
U ports/x11/yeahlaunch/distinfo
U ports/x11/yeahlaunch/patches/patch-yeahlaunch_c
U ports/x11/yeahlaunch/pkg/DESCR
U ports/x11/yeahlaunch/pkg/PLIST